Please be advised that this is the third and final reminder that we will be having our PMLE 5, 6, 7 Quarterly meeting in September. Please remember that this meeting is our annual vote for any members who may be running for the position of Board.
Meeting Type: In-Person Only Date: Saturday, September 23rd, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 Please be advised that this is the first of three reminders that we will be having our PMLE 5, 6, 7 Quarterly meeting in September. Please remember that this meeting is our annual vote for any members who may be running for the position of Board.
Meeting Type: In-Person Only Date: Saturday, September 23rd, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 Board Meeting Reschedule:
Please be advised that due to the fact that we will not have enough board members to conduct our meeting on May 27th, we have had to reschedule it for June 3rd, 2023 at 10:00 AM EST. Road Work Update(s): Road work will start with pothole repairs, the entrance to section 5 off of Log & Twig and Johnsons Drive (the last couple of hundred feet that meet Duffy Drive), will commence early June 2023. Annual Dues: As June is fast approaching, we want to remind our members that the due date for your annual dues is June 1st, 2023. If you have not received your bill, please reach out to the board, via email, this website's contact form or via phone. Board members do not monitor Facebook, Facebook messages or anything of that nature. Meeting Type: In-Person Only
Date: Saturday, March 25th, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 Meeting Type: In-Person Only
Date: Saturday, January 14th, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 On September 10th, 2022 the Board of Directors held it's quarterly fall meeting. The fall meeting is typically where votes are held for any running board members, decisions are made on retention (if needed/required) and we give an overview of PMLE's operations (things we didn't get to, ongoing projects, etc.). That being said, PMLE has elected 3 new board members, 2 are retiring and 1 is moving into Member at Large to help with transition. The newsletter is available for download below or review via Scribd. ![]()
As we wind down Summer and get ready to head into fall, the Board of Directors would like to provide some reminders in relation to dues and the upcoming vote for the new Board of Directors nominees. Upcoming Vote: Sometime this week you should be receiving, via mail, a single page letter with details on voting eligibility, date/time and address of the meeting, as well as who the nominees are. We attaching a copy of this letter to this announcement in case anyone misplaces theirs, it gets ruined, etc. Some things to consider in relation to your vote. The first to consider are the rules. If you are not a member in good standing, meaning paid up to date, and current on your dues, by the end of the day prior to the vote, then your vote will not be counted. This is whether you are paying via payment plan or in full and includes any back dues that you owe (unless your back dues are on a payment plan and being paid currently). The meeting for vote will be held on September 10th at 10:00 AM EST. We will open the meeting as usual and ask for volunteers to count the vote and provide us the results. While the vote is being counted, we will run through all necessary PMLE business, announcements and information. Annual Dues: For the 2022/2023 dues year, PMLE has put into place some automation in relation to our debt collection practices and a new policy in relation to dues payments, which we've announced at prior meetings and in newsletters. PMLE dues are now considered late after 90 days and immediately move to our collection vendor, Creditech. When they reach Creditech, they will do their due diligence to collect on that debt for a short time. After that time frame has been exhausted, they will send a list of members to the Board of Directors to review and approve. That list will be for legal pursuit of monies. Per our by-laws, any legal costs we incur, will be paid by the member(s) and added to their bill. What does this mean? Well, for the 2022/2023 dues year, if dues aren't up to date, or an arrangement to make right on current annual dues hasn't been made with the board, on September 2nd, 2022 you will be put into collections with Creditech. Now, this decision wasn't made lightly. This current board has spent countless hours trying to curb our debt, we've even solicited suggestions from members at meetings. We've sent individual letters to members extending an olive branch for them to create a payment plan with us, or make deals on the debt they owe to no avail. We've sought advice from a lawyer and after seeing our yearly income versus our mounting debt, he advised us we have no choice but to follow a legal course of action. So, here we are. We are now moving forward with 2 different legal teams to try and get our debt into a manageable space. The unfortunate side effect to this is that we have members who think the correct course of action is to raise dues. That's great and, in theory, works, however, the problem with that mentality is that we shove the burden of the community's costs onto the members doing the right thing and for every paying member we have .25 members who do not pay (yes, this is a real number). This simply isn't fair. The board doesn't have the contractor lift the plow in front of the non-paying members lots/houses. The board doesn't neglect the roads in front of these lots/houses. Further, let's be honest. If we continue on a cycle of raising dues, eventually more and more people get frustrated with that and they themselves stop paying, increasing the debt that the community carries over every year. So, for the short term, we tighten our belts on costs, we eliminate any waste in our budget and we move forward trying to make the best decisions based on our current fdollars, current debt, percentage of paying vs non-paying, year over year return and a little intelligent forecasting/projections. I'm sure that this is seen as an "unpopular" way to do business. However, it takes so much time to try and collect, through letters, eventually receiving no response. Phone numbers of members are either outdated or non-existent so phone calls aren't worth the effort. Emails would be great, but only a small fraction provide that data. We even have issues with members updating us when they change addresses. It's a non-stop vicious cycle that takes a lot of time and effort to try and keep our member list up to date, let alone chase the monies owed to us. With all of this being said, please note that September 2nd is only a few short days away and we encourage those of you not in good standing to reach out to the board via email or phone to work out an arrangement. The prospect of having to take neighbors to court, seize assets, put liens on homes, etc. is not very thrilling to any of us and can be avoided by talking with us. Finally, we know that many new members have moved in and look forward to seeing some new faces at the meeting. We hope that with the influx of new members we see some additional activity within the community, newer members stepping up to lend a hand within the community and fresh ideas to keep this community moving forward. ![]()
Meeting Type: In-Person Only
Date: Saturday, September 10th, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 This is a reminder that our quarterly meeting is coming up. All of the details are below. As always, our meeting summary will be emailed out to those members who are subscribed to our mailing list as well as being posted on this website within 14 days after the close of the meeting.
Topics for Discussion:
Meeting Type: In-Person Only Date: Saturday, May 28th, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 This is a reminder that our quarterly meeting is coming up. All of the details are below. As always, our meeting summary will be emailed out to those members who are subscribed to our mailing list as well as being posted on this website within 14 days after the close of the meeting.
Meeting Type: In-Person Only Date: Saturday, March 26th, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 Final Reminder for PMLE members. Our Quarterly PMLE Board of Directors meeting is coming up this Saturday. The details for the upcoming meeting are below. We look forward to seeing you there.
Meeting Type: In-Person Only. Date: Saturday, January 8th, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 Good evening PMLE members. This is a 2 week reminder of our Quarterly PMLE Board of Directors meeting. The details for the upcoming meeting are below. We look forward to seeing you there.
Meeting Type: In-Person Only. Date: Saturday, January 8th, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 Good evening PMLE 5,6,7 residents and members. This communication is a reminder that our in-person Board of Directors meeting will be this weekend.
Meeting Type: In-Person Only. Date: Saturday, September 25th, 2021 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 Good morning PMLE 5,6,7 residents and members. This communication is to let everyone know that our in-person Board of Directors meeting that was canceled back in June has been rescheduled and will be held on July 24th at 10:00 AM at the Delaware Township Municipal building.
Date: Saturday, July 24th, 2021 Time: 10:00 AM Where: Delaware Township Municipal Building Address: 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 Good evening all PMLE 5,6,7 Residents! This communication is to keep the residents of PMLE 5,6,7 in the loop regards to roadwork, as well as make the membership aware of a budget revision and meeting reschedule. Budget Revision: For 2021, we had originally set the roadwork budget at $55,000, with the intention of trying to tackle a few more secondary and tertiary roads. However, necessity has forced us to reassess and review previous years costs involving maintenance, pothole repair (whether volunteers with cold patch or a professional company), traffic volume and best possible use of community monies. Therefore, we increased the 2021/2022 roadwork budget to $70,000. Attached to this post is the revised and most current budget based on the above mentioned changes. That leads us into roadwork for 2021. 2021 Roadwork Plan: For 2021 we've decided to resurface the entire 2 miles of Mountain Top Drive, from Hillside Drive to Port Drive. However, this is a 2 phased approach that will take place through the next couple of weeks, or months (depending on scheduling/weather). We have taken this approach due to the historical costs of the previous 6 years, which were band aids, at best, as the road has been degrading/deteriorating rapidly over the last couple of years. Part of this is due to the amount of traffic seen on this road, which we cannot control, as this road services part of Section 6 residents and all of Section 7 residents. It is, ultimately, the most used road in this community with the highest amount of traffic. The way the phases will work are listed below:
Once we have the schedule set and in place, we will certainly make another announcement to let the community know, so that each of you can plan your traveling accordingly. June 26, 2021 Board Meeting: The board, in it's majority, will be unable to attend the June 26th Board Meeting. Therefore, at this time, we're tentatively rescheduling that meeting for July 24th, 2021. Historically, attendance for summer meetings has been low, but for the 26th meeting, we have too many board members who will not be in attendance due to personal obligations. However, with COVID restrictions being lifted in many areas, we expected that this would happen. So, if we are running into a similar issue for July, we're going to see if we can host a remote meeting, whereas, any questions from the board can be submit prior to the meeting via email. Please note, that we will certainly keep the community apprised of the situation as we progress through the summer. Finally, we'd like to thank those who have been patient and understanding in relation to roadwork. We sincerely appreciate it. For all others, it shouldn't need to be reminded that PMLE 5,6,7 Community Association has quite a few miles of road to maintain and some of those roadways are older than a lot of the people living here. The board needs to carefully weigh our budget (money on hand), upcoming bills, traffic on road surfaces, etc. It's not a fickle decision that can be made on a whim. The Township has approved our remaining meeting dates, starting with April 24th, 2021. However, as we're all aware, PA is currently seeing a drastic spike in COVID cases. Therefore, the board, as a whole, has decided to cancel the April 24th meeting. We didn't have too much to go over, other than the 2021/2022 budget, upcoming projects and information on dues billing. With that being said, we've provided the newsletter and budget attached to this post, and we'll provide a detailed overview of some of the highlights.
Good evening PMLE 5,6,7. We hope that you had an excellent Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. That said, we have a few things to announce for all. We typically always have a January Meeting. Ours was scheduled for January 23rd, 2021, however, will not be taking place. The Board of Supervisors met and voted that they would not allow any outside entities, such as ourselves, to use the building through the end of February 2021. They will meet again in February to vote on the remainder of our dates (April 24, 2021; June 26, 2021; September 23, 2021) and let us know. So, to ensure that our members receive accurate and up to date information, in lieu of not having a board meeting, we are still pushing our newsletter. Attached you will find our newsletter with all of the high level detail of the things we would have discussed at the board meeting. We are providing it in a format that you can easily read here on the website, as well as a downloadable file that you can print for convenience, should you feel the need to. We, also, want to reiterate, that Facebook is a "community page", owned and operated by community members, where all manner of things are posted, such as things being sold, anger fueled posts, swiping at other community members (in a verbal sense), etc. While this behavior is childish and not very adult like, it's the nature of the beast. Facebook is a "social" community where community members can share, not an official outlet of the board. For convenience, we publish a link to this community news article, to get as much exposure as possible, and on occasion we have published a live board meeting for those that like to attend and can't get to the meetings in person. Please be reminded that Facebook is not an official outreach of the board, nor is it endorsed by us, therefore, we will not respond to posts in a board capacity, especially anger fueled, finger pointing posts. These are not constructive, especially considering the cliques that reside in this community, the pot stirrers/social media warriors, and differing opinions. It never leads to anything good and usually leads to further division. The fact of the matter is that we're neighbors. We certainly don't have to like each other, but we should be a little more considerate of our neighbors, because I'm sure if the shoe were on the other foot, you wouldn't appreciate the same level of non-sense being done to you. Which is a great segue into the topic of problems, issues, complaints with neighbors. While there is no police force directly assigned to the Dingmans Ferry area, we implore you to handle problems correctly. If you see a safety issue, have a noise complaint or see a violation, contact your local authorities. However, we would suggest that you reach out to your neighbor directly to work it out with them, before resorting to the authorities. The PMLE board is not a baby-sitting service. Decent human beings should know how to deal with their neighbors, should already know how to behave or act, etc. Please try and work on the issues with your neighbors as a starting point. Last, but certainly not least, if you want to be on our email mailing list for newsletters, please send us your email address. This information is not shared with other entities, nor will we use it for anything other than the newsletters that get posted quarterly. ![]()
First and foremost, PMLE 5,6,7 would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year with the hope that 2021 proves to be a much better year, in terms of health, finances and less stress overall.
This notice is going out to remind our members that as of right now, the Municipal building is not able to be used for any extracurricular activities due to COVID concerns, and rightly so. The dates that we requested for our meetings are below, however, the supervisors will need to vote again on January 13th, to decide what to do and whether we can use the building for those dates. That being said, because we are now in January, officially, and while we may not have a meeting, we will still provide a quarterly, via the website as well as those that are subscribed to our mailing list, so that you all know what is going on within PMLE 5,6,7, such as where we stand with the budget, topics of priority being discussed going into the 2021 year, etc. Proposed Meeting Dates: Saturday, January 23rd, 2021 Saturday, April 24th, 2021 Saturday, June 26th, 2021 Saturday, September 23rd, 2021 Please be reminded that the Board of Directors is holding it's Fall meeting, which is the final meeting of 2020. The meeting will be on September 19th, 2020 at 10:00 AM EST, held at the Delaware Township Municipal Building at 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328.
Social Distancing/Indoor Gathering Rules: Per Governor Wolf, all indoor gatherings are limited to 25 occupants. With 5 board members, that means only 20 members will gain entrance. Masks are required at all times and every seat will be 6 feet apart per social distancing rules. Please ensure that you are planning for these contingencies. Please be reminded that the Board of Directors is holding it's Fall meeting, which is the final meeting of 2020. The meeting will be on September 19th, 2020 at 10:00 AM EST, held at the Delaware Township Municipal Building at 116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328.
Social Distancing/Indoor Gathering Rules: Per Governor Wolf, all indoor gatherings are limited to 25 occupants. With 5 board members, that means only 20 members will gain entrance. Masks are required at all times and every seat will be 6 feet apart per social distancing rules. Please ensure that you are planning for these contingencies. |
PMLE BoardInformation and news brought to you by the Board of Directors for PMLE 5,6,7. Archives
December 2024