Good morning PMLE. As the days progress, new, developing and changing information seems to be coming out at a faster pace. We'll add updates here as we feel they are necessary, but I can assure you, with everything going on it won't be as regular as it is right now. Hopefully, the title of this post put a smile on your face, as it was intended.
So, as you are all probably aware by now, Governor Wolf has made a lot of statements, held a lot of pressers, and well, provided us much to ponder and abide by. To date, his stance on things is as follows:
On a more personal note, I understand how trying this time is. I wish I had words to offer you that would ease your burden or set your mind at ease. Sadly, I do not. I can say that we, as in humans and neighbors, are in this together. Let's be reminded that some of us are struggling with health issues, financial issues and just the agitation with being cooped up. Some others are dealing with stress from their jobs, because they still work, whether as a part of the health care industry, first responders or in a factory/plant that makes essential health care items. There has been a large amount of pressure put on all of us during this time, including our children. I put this message out to remind all of us that while we may not be friends, we can be friendly. While we may not have dinner together, we can offer you a meal if you need it. Essentially, we need to be a little more understanding that we're all dealing with something. We need to be a little less irritable. I hope that every single member of PMLE is currently safe, as well as their families, no matter previous transgressions or whether we talk/know each other or not. I implore you to please jump onto PMLE's Facebook page and request help if you need any. You don't have to do it publicly, but you can message any one of the members on that page, and someone will help, if they can. For your sanity, please, take a walk, do some gardening or just have a seat outside and get some fresh air. We all need to stay mentally well, while trying to maintain physical wellness. Last, but certainly not least, below I've provided some links that you should check, often, to stay up to date with the latest news. There are also phone numbers, should you need them. Links to Websites/Information: Governor Wolf Main Site: Link Centers for Disease Control: Link FEMA: Link White House: Link Delaware Township: Link Lehman Township: Link Important Phone Numbers: Wild Acres Security: 570-828-9052 Pocono Ranchlands Security: 570-828-8228 NPS (National Park Service): 570-426-2457 State Trooper Barracks: 570-226-5718 Emergency: Dial 911 Good afternoon PMLE 5,6,7. This post comes to you hoping that you are doing well, have the necessary supplies you may need to get through these troubling times and can still maintain a sense of humor through it all.
I wanted to make this post to recognize what is going on around us, as well as to provide a few reminders and, well, quite possibly, add some levity to your lives. As you probably already know, Governor Wolf has enacted a shut down of all Non-Essential/Life Saving business', including schools. The orders consist of people not leaving their homes unless for specific tasks. To read the full extent, please click HERE. This link will take you to the press announcement Governor Wolf has made. PMLE 5,6,7 recommends following Governor Wolf's instructions as much as possible, where applicable. Do not take unnecessary risks, if not required. We understand that we do have many older community members, and have many neighbors that would lend a hand, where possible. If you need assistance, not medical related, we ask that you please make friends with community members or even go on the PMLE 5,6,7 Facebook page and ask. Many people are willing and able to help out neighbors in need. With quarantine, comes boredom, cabin fever and general non-sense, from adults and kids alike. The Board of PMLE 5,6,7 works hard to take care of the necessary day to day running of things, fielding complaints, questions, handling realtor requests, balancing accounts, paying bills, etc, but policing the community is all of our jobs. We're typically good about "see something, say something", so let's try to follow that premise. At the end of this post, I'll provide some phone numbers that you should probably have handy in case of any issues. General Reminders:
Important Numbers: Wild Acres Security: 570-828-9052 National Park Service (NPS) Emergency: 570-426-2457 State Trooper Barracks: 570-226-5718 Important Information Food/Pantry: For a pretty comprehensive list of Food Pantry's that are helping community's, please go to this Facebook page link: Click Here On a final note, please stay safe, please ask for help/assistance if you need any and remember to laugh a little. This is a time we could use a ton of laughter. As many of you are aware, COVID-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus, is rapidly gaining momentum. Countries across the globe are working hard to tackle this issue. Responses are quite vast, in how each country, state, province, etc. has decided to handle it. Pennsylvania is no different. While President Trump issued a National Emergency on COVID-19, as well as declared it a Pandemic, many states are ramping up efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 as well. In fact, Governor Wolf declared that all PA Schools are to be closed through March 30th, 2020, as of today's news. That is subject to change, based on spread, increases in cases, etc.
That being said, the Delaware Township building is off use to extracurricular activities, or outside organizations. PMLE 5,6,7 utilizes those building to hold it's quarterly meetings and is affected by this news. However, in lieu of current national spread of COVID-19, the possibility of transmittal, and the age differences of our community members, we agree with this course of action and are canceling our April 18th, Quarterly BoD meeting. While the by-laws state that the meetings must be held, I'm sure that you all can understand that under the current circumstances, we have much more pressing issues to worry about. We are willing to negotiate with the Township to try and re-schedule the meeting, once this immediate threat is contained. We do, however, also want our members to understand the gravity of what's happening. Ensuring that they are as safe as possible, and as comfortable as possible. We are providing a few links below so that our members can stay up to date on the latest news, situations, risks, etc. Delaware Township, has posted an article with comprehensive CDC/National response, which we'll be sharing as a link as well. We encourage you all to review it. We also encourage you all to prepare yourselves for self-quarantine (if needed/applicable), self-reliance, etc. Immediate Basic Needs & Reminders:
Pertinent Links:
Sincerely, R. Simonson PMLE 5,6,7 Board of Directors That we're going to have an early Spring. While this should be great news, we all know that Mother Nature, here in the Poconos, can do as she pleases. For right now, the weather is warming up, we've got some rain in the forecast, and we're gearing up for another year.
With that said, we have a Spring clean up event that we're hoping to see a lot of faces at. In previous years, we've seen relatively low numbers, but we're hoping that changes this year. Additional details will be provided on that, via our website (here) as well as at our next quarterly board meeting. Stay tuned. |
PMLE BoardInformation and news brought to you by the Board of Directors for PMLE 5,6,7. Archives
December 2024