Good morning PMLE 5,6,7 members. Can you believe that it's almost July? Can you believe that our September meeting is only a few months off? We can't, either! However, PMLE 5,6,7 Community Association has persevered through a nationwide and worldwide pandemic, whereas many things were closed down and fellow neighbors lost their jobs. We survived a new POTUS and a change in policies. We're surviving higher costs of goods, including fuel, building supplies and even food. We survived a pretty brutal winter, where snowfall amounts exceeded 3 feet. Not only did we survive, or are we surviving these, but we also survived necessary changes to how we do business as an entity. So, I ask you, what can't the PMLE 5,6,7 Community Association survive?
All jokes aside, it is nearing July and this our time of year where we ask if any community members are willing to step up and donate their time to keep this community running, whether through being a board member or a committee member. To help you make a decision, we'll outline some necessary requirements, as well as the time you may need to donate below.
If looking to join a committee, please send us an email with your full name, lot number, address, phone number and the committee you are interested in. Click HERE to email us! As was previously announced, PMLE has been awaiting work to be done on Mountain Top Drive. Well, today, that work has started and potholes are being worked on. Once the potholes are finished, the goal is to then have the entirety of Mountain Top Drive resurfaced, which, if everything goes to plan, will start next week. Our contractors will try not to impede traffic as much as humanly possible, however, we ask that everyone give themselves ample time for leaving the community, in case of any delays.
As a reminder, our posted, and by-law stated, speed limit is 20 MPH. It's summer and there are a lot of summer activities within the community, such as jogging, walking, bicycling, etc. We have children and adults out on our roads enjoying the good weather, so let's ensure their safety. The final reminder we have is that our June 26th meeting is being rescheduled due to many board members with other obligations. Once we have a confirmed date will announce here on our site, providing as much notice as possible. Good morning PMLE residents. This bulletin is provided to tackle a few different PMLE items going on. Please read it, so that you have correct information.
First and foremost, we have part of our roadwork scheduling in place, but it's probably the most important part, for the time being. The week of June 18th, weather permitting, Mountain Top Drive, from Hillside Drive through to Port Drive will be having potholes repaired. Your commute through the community may be delayed by this work, so please plan accordingly. Second, the resurfacing of Mountain Top Drive will commence shortly after the potholes are repaired. How shortly? We are waiting on that schedule and will update the community once we receive that information. Third, for those of you affected by the mailbox incident, whereas, you used to get your mail in that second box from the left in the front row, you were informed that for the time being, you'll need to get your mail directly at the post office. We've worked out an arrangement with the USPS, in which they will be moving everyone from that second "downed" box to one of the empty boxes in the back row. This was the easiest and fastest method to fix this problem, without continued burden on our members. As you are receiving your mail at the post office, please inquire about your new key. Unfortunately, you will be required to be issued new keys through the USPS for your new mailbox. The USPS has informed us that this project, to move all members to one of the other boxes, will be completed, no later than Friday, June 25th, 2021. Finally, for the sake of safety, please traverse our roads with caution, following the posted 20 MPH speed limit. Not only is this wise due to the current road condition, but a few other factors come into play as well. There are plenty of deer and fawns within the community. Summer activities by our residents include walking, bicycling, etc. Further, we'd like to ensure the contractor and his employees remain safe. We wanted to provide the community and especially those members using the damaged mailbox #2 with an update, as well as discuss more information about the incident. First, we have been notified by the USPS that no mail will be delivered to that box, so those impacted will need to go to the Dingmans Ferry USPS office to get your mail. Reasons stated are simply safety (since the box is no longer secured) and security (since the box is damaged).
PMLE 567 Board Post If anyone has any information as to who may have hit the mailbox please write the board at [email protected]. It will be held in the strictest confidence. Whomever it was must have been in a larger/higher vehicle judging by the damage also done to the smaller mailbox alongside. I am sure we will hear from the post office that mail cannot be delivered there and we apologize for the inconvenience this will cause those of you who use that mailbox. We will attempt to get it repaired as quickly as possible. If someone in the community thinks that they can help with re-anchoring it down it will be greatly appreciated. It is unclear whether damage to the box will prevent its use.
PMLE BoardInformation and news brought to you by the Board of Directors for PMLE 5,6,7. Archives
December 2024