Good evening all PMLE 5,6,7 Residents! This communication is to keep the residents of PMLE 5,6,7 in the loop regards to roadwork, as well as make the membership aware of a budget revision and meeting reschedule. Budget Revision: For 2021, we had originally set the roadwork budget at $55,000, with the intention of trying to tackle a few more secondary and tertiary roads. However, necessity has forced us to reassess and review previous years costs involving maintenance, pothole repair (whether volunteers with cold patch or a professional company), traffic volume and best possible use of community monies. Therefore, we increased the 2021/2022 roadwork budget to $70,000. Attached to this post is the revised and most current budget based on the above mentioned changes. That leads us into roadwork for 2021. 2021 Roadwork Plan: For 2021 we've decided to resurface the entire 2 miles of Mountain Top Drive, from Hillside Drive to Port Drive. However, this is a 2 phased approach that will take place through the next couple of weeks, or months (depending on scheduling/weather). We have taken this approach due to the historical costs of the previous 6 years, which were band aids, at best, as the road has been degrading/deteriorating rapidly over the last couple of years. Part of this is due to the amount of traffic seen on this road, which we cannot control, as this road services part of Section 6 residents and all of Section 7 residents. It is, ultimately, the most used road in this community with the highest amount of traffic. The way the phases will work are listed below:
Once we have the schedule set and in place, we will certainly make another announcement to let the community know, so that each of you can plan your traveling accordingly. June 26, 2021 Board Meeting: The board, in it's majority, will be unable to attend the June 26th Board Meeting. Therefore, at this time, we're tentatively rescheduling that meeting for July 24th, 2021. Historically, attendance for summer meetings has been low, but for the 26th meeting, we have too many board members who will not be in attendance due to personal obligations. However, with COVID restrictions being lifted in many areas, we expected that this would happen. So, if we are running into a similar issue for July, we're going to see if we can host a remote meeting, whereas, any questions from the board can be submit prior to the meeting via email. Please note, that we will certainly keep the community apprised of the situation as we progress through the summer. Finally, we'd like to thank those who have been patient and understanding in relation to roadwork. We sincerely appreciate it. For all others, it shouldn't need to be reminded that PMLE 5,6,7 Community Association has quite a few miles of road to maintain and some of those roadways are older than a lot of the people living here. The board needs to carefully weigh our budget (money on hand), upcoming bills, traffic on road surfaces, etc. It's not a fickle decision that can be made on a whim. Comments are closed.
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