A recent inquiry regarding parking was brought to the attention of the Board today. This was based on a specific need for a specific situation. The Board received a very thoughtful suggestion from a Member and replied with actions we believe, based on the replies, satisfied that immediate need for the member. However, this was not a new general parking policy discussion for the current drop off/ pick up Bus stop location. That said, there is merit to further discussion of the area's use going forward. The Board committed to the poster that this would be added to the agenda for the upcoming meeting to solicit other comments/discussions from the general community.
There are other considerations here. While we are a private community, there are also Town/County/State regulations that might need to be followed. The location was officially zoned by the Town for usage specially as it currently designated, not for parking. One of the first actions will be to see if changing that designation, in any fashion, adds more requirements. These may include, but not limited to: ADA requirements, additional insurance for the HoA (including costs to be borne by the membership), signage, etc. We have already started the process of obtaining more information. We ask that if anyone in the community has some experience or knowledge specific in these areas to please write the Board at our email address or by using the contact form here to volunteer. Again, we will make this an agenda item as promised. Comments are closed.
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December 2024