The Board, recently has received numerous complaints, via face to face, personal/private messages and the board inbox. So, to tackle all of these accurately, without discussion, based on the By-laws and Restrictive Covenants that you have received and which are readily available on our website, this message goes to all members of the community.
For the neighbors who have been directly targeted or have had to deal with the nonsense of others, please accept our apology for this. However, we strongly advise that you stay vigilant, contact the police if you feel it necessary, keeping any video footage you have and handle these situations according to the law, rather than taking matters into your own hands. Please understand that the by-laws were written in a way that this community doesn't have a fine structure, an enforcement agency and limited aspects to handle many of these situations. Therefore, it is suggested that you contact the state police. In other board related news, it is with regret that our Vice President, Kim Walker, due to personal reasons, has tendered her resignation, effective immediately. We want to thank Kim for the time that she spent serving her community and wish her luck in her future endeavors. Please be reminded that the Board is always encouraging people to volunteer their time. Our annual vote is held in September and we are asking that anyone who may be slightly interested, please reach out to ask about expectations, how much time is warranted, etc. On a final note, a huge thank you is in order for the volunteers who have gone to great lengths to keep this HoA moving forward, which also helps keep our dues low, such as keeping clean our bus stop area, weed whacking/mowing the bus stop area, cleaning our roadways of litter/debris, etc. We want you to know that we appreciate your efforts and your willingness to help. There are members who would rather remain anonymous, but we'd like to extend a personal thank you to Joe, Bill, Rich, Barbara, Greg, Mindy and many others. Without your efforts, we'd truly be unable to keep our dues costs low. Comments are closed.
PMLE BoardInformation and news brought to you by the Board of Directors for PMLE 5,6,7. Archives
December 2024