To all residents,
We want to let you know about the actions of some of your neighbors. Actions that we simply fail to understand. We posted about Roadwork being done yesterday and today. We placed those posts on BOTH PMLE Facebook groups. Despite the notification and apology for inconvenience, some individuals felt the cones (protecting fresh roadwork and protecting the Vendor's workers) apparently don't apply to them. These individuals can't drive the 1/10 of a mile to Loftus Lane but can instead stop their cars, get out, move traffic cones and drive over the work recently done, or in fact, being done real time. A shout out to the individual (you know who you are) that has helped in replacing the cones. This does not apply to the vast majority of residents by any means, and those who apparently didn't care will likely not be bothered by this post, but we felt you should know nonetheless. We appreciate all of those who have done it right. Comments are closed.
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December 2024