After review with the HoA legal counsel and former members of the BoD for the HoA, the following is the conclusion the current BoD has arrived at: 1. The HoA legal counsel has informed us that the BoD does have the right to restrict signage within a private community. However, the current by-laws are vague and were not uniformly enforced with the same interpretation the current BoD used. The current By-Laws as written with the terminology of "Advertising Signs" do not provide a clear differentiation between "commercial advertising signs" and "political, social, etc. signs". The HoA lawyer is also reviewing the documents handed to the BoD at the meeting. The effort by those individuals is truly appreciated. Commercial (Advertising) signage though is accurately covered by the By-Laws and will remain unacceptable and will be asked to be removed. 2. For the remainder of this political season no letters or fines will be sent to those wishing to display a political lawn sign. We do though ask that regardless of the outcome of the general election that all signs would be removed within 48 hours after the election to help reduce any divisiveness potential within the community. Again, this is for this period only and should not be taken as a precedent going forward. 3. The new By-Laws committee will take this rule (and many others) under consideration for change, updates, etc. considering many factors, and report back to the HoA Membership with their recommendations and ultimately a vote. We recommend once they begin to seek input and thoughts that we all participate in providing as much unemotional input as possible and with consideration for all. With this in mind, please remember our By-Laws, Covenants, and Rules for this HoA, as a private community, take precedent as noted by the Pennsylvania Superior Court. 4. Lastly, we all have a responsibility to vote and that is the place to truly use that right to voice your opinion. Comments are closed.
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December 2024